Join people from around the world for this life changing Online Retreat

Sep 18th – Oct 29th, 2023


On this 42-DAY JOURNEY, you will be brought back to yourself,
so you can stand in YOUR POWER
and embrace YOUR MAGIC

The Universe is Abundant. There is more than enough of everything for everyone in this world. Take a look around you and you will find that nature is extravagant, lavish and always in abundance.

And if you are living in a struggle and tired of the rat race, it means that you are not living your life to the fullest by learning how to attract abundance into your life.

Get on Your True Path and Experience the World in Abundance.

The first and the most fundamental step you need to take to attract abundance is to believe and feel the world in abundance. Rich people live in a world of abundance, while mediocre and poor people live in a world of limitation.

You have to visualise the possibilities for yourself, your family, friends and also others. When you believe that your dreams and what you desire are possible, you will create intention and take action to live toward that life. By carving your niche and claiming your success, we’ll add to the realm of possibility.


Life can get challenging and hard at times, but it’s only up to you how you respond to that – You RUN or You RISE UP?!
“Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity.
Don’t fight then. Just find a new way to stand.” ~ Oprah

The human eyes can only see what is in front of them and cannot see what lies underneath the exterior. As well as child’s perspective is different from an adult’s perspective.

Imagine you are on a top of a high building or a mountain, and everything in front of you, your home, your office, your relatives, etc. look very small resembling the most synchronized painting. Now imagine, you are in ‘’the painting’’, walking the noisy streets, going to stressful work and meeting with some of your annoying relatives. How do you feel? What do you focus on now? How big is your perspective? Can you step far enough away to realize that it depends?

Or, more accurately, that it is really both?

It is so much like life. Life is good. Life is bad. Life is hard. Life is joyous. There is evidence to justify either point of view. The truth is that we get what we’re looking for.

The origin of our experience is inside and not outside.

“ The moment you change your perception, is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body.”
~ Dr. Bruce H. Lipton

Your perspective matters so much, like tuning the dial on a radio to a station. Do I tune in to the station that broadcasts classical, heavy metal or pop music? It’s all out there. The question is, what do you want to experience?

What resonates most deeply inside you?

Perspective on life defines your attitude towards it. It is the way you choose to live your life.

When JOY is a HABIT, LOVE is a REFLEX!

Real Results

This was the first space that I ever truly felt comfortable enough to let go and truly surrender. It was exactly what I needed to heal and start to move forward.

Maryam Al S,

Housewife, UAE

I let all of my stress go and the guided questions really helped me get through my mental blocks.


Primary School Teacher, France

Abundance is the process of letting go. It’s been a truly transformative journey full of AHA moments. Thank you for being there for me.


CEO, United Kingdom

Change the way you think to allow for an abundant way of living!
Abundant thinking relies on a willingness to change your patterns of thought
and make space for new ones.
It also requires you to let go of past beliefs and assumptions. The openness to take on board new evidence and ideas is the crucial step in making progress. Your life becomes much easier when you’re willing to let go and embrace change. If you want to make a significant transformation in your life, you need to be honest with yourself and most importantly ready to change.

Your perspective is always limited by how much you know…you have to expand your knowledge to transform your mind.

Do any of these sound familiar?

Imagine what it would feel like if you knew exactly what to do each day to get closer to your happiness and achieve your dreams faster.

What if we tell you that you could…

Everyone’s road to success looks
tune in to yourself to realize your
ultimate potential and start
manifesting your abundant life today.

HOW TO…….Attract abundance in your life?

Learn the method!

Luckily, there are multiple methods and examples to look toward when it comes to attracting abundance. Here are some of our favorite methods which you will experience and integrate:


42-DAYS OF TRANSFORMATION with Madara Dinsberga & Simona Ratti

Kundalini Activation


Emotional Freedom Technique

The Yoga of awareness ultimate goal is to awaken Kundalini Shakti energy at the base of your spine.

The first 21-days


You will experience your resistance and desire of seven basic blueprints for the patterns that dominate your life. By dissolving the patterns holding you in a state of lack, you open yourself enough to be able to gratefully acknowledge the transforming presence of the very same quality you used to desire and resist.

The second 21-days


Providing an unprecedented opportunity for you to directly access UNITY. Instead of remaining oblivious and in lack, you merge with the vast and abundant ocean of consciousness by concentrating on seven powerful statements of REALITY.

The practice of breathwork and visualization for abundance will leave you feeling deeply relaxed & centered. 

Abundance is your natural state. Experience peace and clarity that exist within you.

These practices will help you consciously open up so wide that everything may flow into you without conditions.

One of your major aspirations is to flourish in key areas of life. Yet limiting beliefs and fears keep you stuck in your current state or situation.

The tapping helps you access your body’s energy through meridian points while emotionally tuning in to negative attitudes & past experiences, allowing you to transform your thoughts & feelings.

Identify & clear your blocks to PROSPERITY. 




It is a wonderful tool to help you develop conscious awareness, the very key to enlightenment.

Reiki affects each individual in a very personal way. It balances energy, increases creativity, helps processing emotions and releases stress. It will help you to clear the space for UNLIMITED ABUNDANCE flowing into your life.

Receive the knowledge of your Astrological placements in your birth chart.

That will help you to look even deeper in your soul’s mission and the qualities that you embody to express in order to receive all the blessings from above, so you can LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE.

The study of reading soul letters to self. That helps you to see how close or far you have traveled from your true intentions to be born. This is an important process of opening the Gate of Abundance.

Kundalini Activation

Kundalini Activation

The Yoga of awareness ultimate goal is to awaken Kundalini Shakti energy at the base of your spine.

The first 21-days


You will experience your resistance and desire of seven basic blueprints for the patterns that dominate your life. By dissolving the patterns holding you in a state of lack, you open yourself enough to be able to gratefully acknowledge the transforming presence of the very same quality you used to desire and resist.

The second 21-days


Providing an unprecedented opportunity for you to directly access UNITY. Instead of remaining oblivious and in lack, you merge with the vast and abundant ocean of consciousness by concentrating on seven powerful statements of REALITY.


The practice of breathwork and visualization for abundance will leave you feeling deeply relaxed & centered. 

Abundance is your natural state. Experience peace and clarity that exist within you.

These practices will help you consciously open up so wide that everything may flow into you without conditions.

Emotional Freedom Technique

One of your major aspirations is to flourish in key areas of life. Yet limiting beliefs and fears keep you stuck in your current state or situation.

The tapping helps you access your body’s energy through meridian points while emotionally tuning in to negative attitudes & past experiences, allowing you to transform your thoughts & feelings.

Identify & clear your blocks to PROSPERITY. 


It is a wonderful tool to help you develop conscious awareness, the very key to enlightenment.

Reiki affects each individual in a very personal way. It balances energy, increases creativity, helps processing emotions and releases stress. It will help you to clear the space for UNLIMITED ABUNDANCE flowing into your life.


Receive the knowledge of your Astrological placements in your birth chart.

That will help you to look even deeper in your soul’s mission and the qualities that you embody to express in order to receive all the blessings from above, so you can LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE.


The study of reading soul letters to self. That helps you to see how close or far you have traveled from your true intentions to be born. This is an important process of opening the Gate of Abundance.

Why are these our favorite Manifestation tools?


The reunion of your mind, body and soul is the key. A healthy relationship with your soul enables you to tune into your intuition and silence the external voices of doubt. It is a way to manifest your desires that are true to your LIFE’S PURPOSE. Pure awareness is the source of all thought. In order to reach this mindful state of awareness, first you must learn to let the active mind be.

It is essential to listen to your body’s wisdom. When your mind is not in sync with your body’s needs, It might be difficult applying and choosing a certain behavior.
However, as you make it a practice, you’ll find that your dialogue with your body is not only physically nourishing but also emotionally detoxifying and spiritually rejuvenating.

It will help you to focus your attention on what is here and now. When you spend too much time living in the past or worrying about the future, it creates blocks, obstacles for the new to come. It is important to make space for the new and be present so when opportunities come your way you are aware of them and registering them.

It will teach you that path towards healing is not linear but step by step if you unlearn the patterns created by old hurts and give in to the flow of the universe, you can not only heal yourself mentally but also physically and spiritually.

Self-knowledge is the most invaluable knowledge of all and crucial towards manifesting abundance in your life.



I had the pleasure of doing the 42 day Abundance program. It was such a life-changing experience! Sometimes I found that I didn’t fully realize while it was happening how miraculous it was, I had to continually take a step back and reflect on each day and each week. The more I reflected the more I was amazed at how much had shifted. Slowly but steadily and then boom! Everything felt different. The meditations I had in the mornings would change my day in a profound way and I had so many intuitive realizations which were extremely helpful to me. When the last two weeks began, I had trouble meditating and sitting still and thinking about the “Step” for the day. As time went on I was able to meditate for 40 minutes and really set the tone for my day. That alone was a huge difference for me, and something I want to bring with me into the future.

I also saw the areas on my life involving career and finances have completely transformed during the course of this program. I feel that I am appreciated where I am, and I no longer look for abundance outside of myself. I realize that it is within. That is the greatest gift of all.

Now, looking back on who I was 42 days ago, I feel completely changed. I feel like the areas of my life which were unhealthy, stagnant, or toxic, are either removed or transmuted into beautiful and light energy. What a change indeed! I’m so grateful to you for offering this program to me, guiding me through it, and helping me to enact lasting change in my life for the better, with the help of the Universe!

-Stephie, United States

“Abundance comes in many forms, do not limit your abundance by trying to control how it will flow, just know that it will come.”

~ Shelly Sullivan

Create life that FLOWS

Tap into your full potential without feeling guilty,
awkward or inauthentic. Affirm and Visualize the
Abundant Life You Desire. For example, people will
never worry about the scarcity of oxygen. There is more
than enough for everyone. The things that you worry will elude you.



Who Are Madara and Simona ?

I am Madara Dinsberga and I’m a fully qualified REIKI Master (Usui Shiki Ryoho) and Authentic Kundalini Yoga Teacher & Certified Numerologist (Pythagorean Numerology).


Realizing I Create Happiness!

“Happiness is a decision, not a destination.”

Living my life by these words, I have had always been on the “sunny side”, despite the hardships and struggles life made me go through during the first phase of my life.

My HAPPINESS has always been my priority no.1 , and my struggles and obstacles – steps to move up closer to my authenticity and towards the true meaning of life and my mission here on planet Earth.

My early life experiences made me mature very early. I had no choice than to remain strong and stand back up on my feet. I remember, there was this longing for knowledge towards self-development and I was probably only eleven when I first read “The Four Agreements”, the practical guide to personal freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz. It was from that time when I’ve applied new guiding principles to my way of being and established truthful relationship with them:

  • Be Impeccable with Your Word

  • Don’t Take Anything Personally

  • Don’t Make Assumptions

  • Always Do Your Best

Losing the most important person in my life, my mom, when I was only 13, put me on the spiritual path. I kept searching for meaning of this life and learning how to transform not pleasant emotions into self-power.

Soon I became aware of my healing powers and high intuition. I felt deep calling to heal one’s energy body before the serious disease happens on the physical body level. I gave an unwritten promise to my mom’s spirit, that it is what I’m going to do.

I will never forget the day I got initiated as REIKI MASTER. My mission had never been clearer to me. I was all in tears of happiness, feeling so much released from past pain and frustration. There were no doubts, I was on the right path.

During my studies of Numerology, I realized how much there is for us to understand and uncover about our soul and its mission. Numerology & Astrology are great tools on this journey called “LIFE”. Our physical body is just a vehicle transporting our soul from one life to another: from one avatar to another. It is our spirit that lasts forever – the one we need to take the most care of. However, we can’t forget about our physical body and its needs. Embodiment is very important as well.

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience”. 

– Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Dancing is a wonderful medicine and all our system’s booster. It helps us embody Divine Feminine and express Goddess energy through our very own body.

When I was 14, I started to dance Flamenco. It kept me away from falling into depression after the loss of my mom. It is already scientifically proven that dancing increases levels of the “feel – good” hormone serotonin. Dance therapy is something I would love to include in our future “LIVE” retreats because in my opinion, all women are goddesses, we just need to give ourselves permission to feel like ones.  And the pleasant movement of the physical body on all senses stimulating musical background can help a lot to remember the truth about who we truly  are.

Decision to become an Authentic Kundalini Yoga Teacher was so natural to me, because I had been in touch with Kundalini energy already from age of 23 when I experienced my very first Kundalini awakening. That’s when I started to do all my research about Kundalini Shakti Energy. Very soon after that I had few clients, who had their Kundalini awakening after 3 days Reiki healing sessions. So many miracles had happened in my personal life and beautiful changes in lives of my clients, because of Kundalini Yoga practices, that is also called “ Yoga of awareness”.

To follow the Path of Kundalini is not only to achieve an enlightened state of mind, it is to heal mind, soul, spirit and body.

I AM here to assist YOU on your spiritual journey – a journey back to yourself, to the truth of who you are behind all those masks…so that you could express your authenticity living in harmony with your soul & spirit within your body and mind. Like LAO TZU said: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. 


I am Simona Ratti and I am a fully qualified NLP Life Coach and Breathwork Facilitator.

My personal mission and vision is to change and transform lives for the better.


Since my childhood, I have been fascinated and curious about human potential and how I could achieve the best version of myself.

Throughout my life I have experienced all kind of situations like family conflicts, hurt, rejections, judgements, society expectations, suppressed emotions and honestly, was not prepared for it at all. There was no guide or manual given to me on how to manage inner life either circumstances around me. It wasn’t taught at school, adults were busy dealing with their own stuff, and it got to a point I decided not to share anything with anyone, and take care of it myself.

It was challenging to process certain emotions which where bottling up within me, and when I finally thought that it was gone I faced it all again with more intensity. I was stuck and frustrated carrying my unresolved BS, which erupted like a volcano whenever I got triggered.
This hopelessness led me to searching for alternatives and tools of empowerment. My inner journey of self-discovery started in India in 2017 and progressively took me to Breathwork in early 2019 when it totally blew away my senses. It radically improved relationship with myself as well as others, I started to feel more confident and calm…without saying a word. There was an obvious shift happening within myself. I was much more open, trusting and loving towards myself and others.
There are multiple roles we play in life, serving in the art and beauty industry for over a decade, being around women as a professional, friend, therapist, trainer or managers, I realized that we all crave inner peace deep within trying to free ourselves.

I am passionate to help you to bring awareness and guide you through the experience you need to go through. I am honoured to coach you to a higher state of consciousness, as we work through subconscious blockages and rebuild the authentic new YOU.

With Love


In most people’s minds, there is a battle going on between two perspectives: abundance and lack. These are like two roads that we can choose to walk down, each giving us vastly different experiences of life.

Think about your own life. Have you ever stuck with something —a job you were unhappy in, a dysfunctional relationship, a friendship you had outgrown—because you feared uncertainty and change? Do you worry about failure if you embark on something new? Often, when you’ve gone through something unpleasant, we might start to adopt this mindset without realizing it. When you’re stuck in a lack mindset, you strengthen the negative pathways in your brain. As a result, you continue to respond to life as if the worst is going to happen. 

It doesn’t have to be this way! 

We have overcome our own challenges and are powerfully driven to share the techniques and practices which improved our lives with others like you. We have gathered here to share the most powerful secrets, wisdom and tools with you, so you too CAN CREATE A FULFILLING, HEALTHY, AND HAPPY LIFE.

Maybe you’re thinking… 


Okay, maybe you don’t feel you have a ton of time NOW. But that’s exactly why It is all about creating time in your busy schedule. And if not now then when? Aren’t you tired of constant excuses, putting your future of abundance and happiness on hold? Honestly, the only thing you have been given upon arriving to this planet is time, and it is something very precious. If you feel that you are ready to finally invest your precious time into knowing yourself and prioritizing your wellbeing, then we’ll be happy to see you! It’s all up to you. 


I want you to think about all the opportunities that you have missed because of your perception and being stuck in the lack mindset. You have been so focused on maintaining and running your old patterns that you forgot there is a way out. If you think about, the longer you wait to implement proper systems and strategies into your life, the more Money you leave on the table for someone else who lives in abundance. 


If you are trying to do so just by yourself, however determination and motivation is low, of course it is hard to remain on a journey of commitment. Nowadays it is so easy to get distracted by other tasks at home, work or lost time on social media. It is very beneficial to be part of a group and to set the expectations of change for yourself. The best to set your life up properly is from the start!


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The Gateway 2 Abundance Program FAQ's

The Gateway to abundance online retreat dates are always featured on our home page.

Online, the details will be sent via email once you secure your tickets.

Yes, if you want to get the most out of the 2023 and beyond your best years yet then this LIVE Online retreat is for you!

We’re here to help, and want you to be 100% on board with your investment. Simply email any questions to [email protected]

@2023 Coheworld

Terms & Conditions

All rights reserved. The contents of this website/e-mail are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment or professional advice of any kind. This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any health condition. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a health or medical condition.

